Jochen Hein Completed donation project

Acquisition of the work
Kochende See by Jochen Hein

The project is finalised! We have reached 100% - a big thank you to everyone who supported us!

The monumental painting will be on display from 28 February to 13 February 2022 in the exhibition New Treasures at the MKdW. From Max Liebermann to Jochen Hein.

Currently, we have set ourselves the goal together with you, during the duration of the exhibition New Treasures at the MKdW. From Max Liebermann to Jochen Hein to acquire another painting for the collection. We have chosen a painting by the Hamburg-based artist Jochen Hein (* 1960), who is well known to many of the museum's guests and was not completed until the end of 2020. It came to us directly from the studio. As an unusually large format for the MKdW collection - 200x300 cm - the Boiling Sea could in future be placed at eye level alongside the triptych North Sea, which was exhibited in 2016 and subsequently transferred to the collection.

You can currently find both works by Jochen Hein in our digital tour, which is available on the website under MKdW-3D, in Hall 1, facing each other at the end walls. Here you can also listen to the informative films by our director Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wolff-Thomsen. We invite you to bring the project closer to the target amount of 50,000 euros. As an enthusiastic "supporter" of the MKdW, Jochen Hein has more than generously given us half the purchase price. This makes us confident that the purchase project has a realistic chance.

Please support us in the purchase of the work!