We had entirely lost track of time, completely immersed in the past and the innumerable stories we had discovered and continued to discover – beautiful, surprising and thought-provoking.
Katrin Petersen, research associate at the museum, explains how prints from the collection are smartened up to get them ready to show in Steamers, Dykes, Dramas.
Selected contemporary artists from the exhibition Steamers, Dykes, Dramas: Are Andreassen brings the theme of business and trade’s roles as vehicles of culture and communication into his prints...
Selected contemporary artists from the exhibition Steamers, Dykes, Dramas: for Marie-Louise Exner it’s important that, instead of just viewing her pictures like tourists at a lookout point, we’re right there in the middle of them.
Selected contemporary artists from the exhibition Steamers, Dykes, Dramas: Henrieke Strecker is a wanderer who repeatedly exposes herself to different places...