CLASSIC! Mittsommer! Atmospheric landscapes of the North 1880-1920

Exhbition and Catalogue

6 July 2025 - 11 January 2026


In the Nordic countries, Midsummer is celebrated with great, exuberant festivities. The clear light of the long days and the so-called white nights became popular motifs for paintings at a time when modern Scandinavian and Finnish art was at its peak. The light gives the landscapes a unique atmosphere that captivates viewers. Our exhibition presents masterpieces from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. It will provide a representative overview of artistic developments in the Nordic countries around the turn of the 20th century. With over 70 works by celebrated artists such as Anna Ancher and Peder Severin Krøyer and new discoveries such as Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Albert Edelfelt, Bruno Liljefors, Christian Skredsvig, Elin Danielson-Gambogi, Gottfrid Kallstenius, Helene Schjerfbeck and others, the majority of these paintings stem from a very important private art collection in northern Germany and will be shown exclusively and for the first time in public.

In addition to their art-historical relevance, which in many cases lies in their progressive impulse, it is the imposing landscapes and the sensitively rendered moods that - we are convinced - will inspire.


With your contribution, you can help us realise this exciting new exhibition project! Every donation ist valuable and much appreciated.


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Museum Kunst der Westküste

IBAN: DE20 2175 0000 0106 1688 83



Reference: Classic Mittsommer


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