Artist-in-Residence Program 2025


Become a committed partner for a program that promotes contemporary art on Föhr and offers the residents and guests of the island a lot of inspiration at the cutting edge.


Thomas Wrede at the production of his artwork: "Früher Morgen bei den Korallenmoosinseln" 2016


Since 2010, the Museum Kunst der Westküste has been actively inviting artists to Alkersum as artists-in-residence for a period of inspiration and work. We have already welcomed over 30 international artists, whose work - in very different media - is thematically linked in the broader sense of ‘sea and coast’.

The Artist-In-Residence program for 2025 requires your help with funding for travel expenses, generous accommodation with living and working space, material and maintenance and other costs. We want to enable our artists to enjoy a relaxed artistic residency at the museum and on the island of Föhr. We can achieve this with the help of a basic grant of 12,000 euros per year.


Become a sponsor for the next artists travelling to us. In January 2025, we welcomed the artist Ulrike Schmitz from Berlin. In February, the Danish artist Nicolas Howalt followed for a short stay. With your help, we want to invite many more to Föhr in the coming months!


Help us to secure the funding of the Artist Residencies 2025!

Our sincere thanks go to every donation, regardless of the amount.


Donate now!




You can make a donation online and support our project here. Your data will be transmitted in encrypted form to guarantee the maximum level of security. 

Or by bank transfer:


Museum Kunst der Westküste, Det Paulsen Legaat

IBAN: DE20 2175 0000 0106 1688 83




Reference: artist-in-residence program

Please also tell us if you would like to be mentioned by name in the context of the projects.

Naturally, we will send you an official receipt for your donation by post if you request one and provide us with your name and address.

Thank you for your support!


Donations already made:

(Last updated: 07.02.2025)



12.000 €

Sum already collected



2850 €

That is 23 % of our funding goal!





1000 €





1.500 €





250 €





100 €