You’d like to support the Museum Kunst der Westküste (MKdW), but still don’t really know exactly how? In addition to supporting the museum’s work in general, you can also dedicate your assistance to a selection of specific projects each year.

What about contributing to one of what are currently our three most important projects?





CLASSIC!   The project is finalised! 


The CLASSIC! category of contributions is connected to MKdW's 15th anniversary. We hope many people will support the major anniversary exhibition Fresh Air. Northern Impressionism (June 9th – November 3rd 2024). In the years from 1870 to 1920 also German, Dutch and Danish impressionists developed an entirely new iconography focussing on themes such as light, beach, garden or city. You can look forward to the exhilarating experience of seeing 80 paintings and oil studies of the highest artistic standard created by artists such as Anna Ancher, Max Liebermann, Wassily Kandinsky and Johan Barthold Jongkind.

The exhibition and the catalogue are created in collaboration with the Dutch Singer Laren Museum and Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum in Hannover





DYNAMIC!   A photography by Anja Jensen


The DYNAMIC! category of contributions stems from a wish to strengthen the exquisite collections at MKdW and their entirely unique profile, also within the area of contemporary art. Currently, we seek your help to acquire the photography Mann am Meer (2010, Fotografie, C-Print, 100 x 187,5 cm) by the German photographer Anja Jensen for our collections. The photography was created during Jensen's residency at MKdW on Föhr.




YOUNG!   Artist-in-Residence-Programme 2024


The YOUNG! category of contributions focuses on the wish to provide assistance to our artist-in-residence programme. Each year, we make it possible to fund the costs of the invited artists’ travel, their materials and their stay. When this extends beyond a residency on Föhr and we carry out an exhibition with the artist in residence and produce a catalogue, this requires additional financial assistance.





You can also support us here directly underneath the projects or by bank transfer.

Our account information:

Museum Kunst der Westküste, Det Paulsen Legaat

IBAN: DE20 2175 0000 0106 1688 83



Reference: name of the project


Please also tell us if you would like to be mentioned by name in the context of the projects.

Naturally, we will send you an official receipt for your donation by post if you request one and provide us with your name and address.



Would you like to learn more about possibilities for making donations, exchange ideas in a personal conversation or make a donation for a specific purpose? Please contact us!



Information, questions, suggestions

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wolff-Thomsen
Executive Director
+49 4681 74740-10


Mareike Poppinga
Executive Assistant / Fundraising
+49 4681 74740-15


Carola Ellmers, Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)
Friends, Sponsors & Patrons
+49 4681 74740-14